
Crisp Shirt Ideas

Ever try to iron a cotton shirt you laundered at home? Iron, iron, iron, iron…still wrinkled. Professional shirt laundering and finishing provide the ideal solution and results. Here are some tips to help you keep your shirts fresh and attractive for a long, long time.

  • Stains are a shirt’s worst enemy. Be wary when eating.
  • Let us treat your stains promptly. Untreated stains can harm cotton fibers and reduce shirt life.
  • Point out missing buttons so we can replace them.
  • Have shirts laundered and finished after each wear to remove damaging soils and keep them looking fresh and new.
  • Avoid unnecessary wear on the elbows – where shirts often wear out first.
  • Avoid harsh cleaning detergents and processes.

Trust us, your Sanitone® Certified Master Drycleaner, for gentle care.