Don’t we all wish it wasn’t just April Fool’s! There’s nothing magical we can do to make you skinnier. We can do a lot to make sure you look your best in clothing that’s spotless and crisp. Our tailors alter and adjust fit and our finishers, crease, press and steam to bring fabrics to like-new condition. We’re not fooling when we say we help you look your best. No secrets, no tricks. Just the magic of everyday hard work, cheerful service and years of experience.
Archives for Care Tips
Getting the most from your cleaner.
Our expert service starts when we tag and inspect your laundry – we look for stains, tears, broken buttons, snagged zippers. You can help by telling us (or marking with masking tape) trouble spots and stains. Our stain removal expertise is always enhanced when we know what caused the problem so we can use the correct pretreatment. And remember, stains only get worse with time so make sure we get to work on it as soon as possible.
Miracle microfiber.
If you haven’t upgraded to a microfiber dust cloth, you’re working too hard. The intricate weave of thin polyster and nylon fibers creates millions of edges to trap dust and grime held in place by static. We use microfiber cloths to clean everything from eyeglasses to dashboards, for wet and dry cleaning.
Skip ahead.
Spring forward this Sunday. You’ll lose an hour to Daylight Savings but you can make up for it with our time-saving cleaning and laundry services. Whether we pick up and deliver or serve you from our counter, let us take care of your all your household linens and garment cleaning and ironing. You’ll always look your best.
Save the shoes!
Winter can be rough on footwear (unless you’re wearing flip flops year round) and foul weather, deicer and dirty slush take a toll. When shoes or boots get wet, let them air dry at room temperature before stowing. Wipe stained areas with a damp terry cloth to remove soil and break up any rings. Thoroughly air dry before polishing or waterproofing.
Starched or soft?
Shirts can go both ways – let us know if you like a lot or a little starch for crispness. Or do you like a smooth softer feel instead? Our professionals launder and press shirts and blouses with the finish you like best. Not all shirts are the same, so remember to tell us your preference when bringing them to us.
Friday the thirteenth.
The fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskevidekatriaphobia. Sounds like one of those old-fashioned cleaning fluids that left an oily residue, stale smell and ecological repercussions. Rest assured and fear not, we’re cleaning your clothes with the cleanest, safest and least-toxic products available. After all, you should be able to trust your cleaners to be green, clean and responsible. Now we can’t do anything to improve your luck today, but we can make sure you look your best, everyday.
Superbowl Sunday.
It’s time for TV snacks and Superbowl is the ultimate party food event for fans everywhere. We can’t help with the outcome, but we can help get the stains out from salsa explosions, wing sauce drips or out of bounds cheese dip. Don’t give up on stains and spills – no matter who wins the game we can help clean up afterward. You know who we are cheering for, it’s our customers! Go Hawks, Go Patriots, Go Fans!
Watch for wear.
Dress shirts, especially often-worn favorites, can show signs of aging after twenty or thirty wearings. Check your cuffs and collars for signs of wear. If you see darkness at the edges, you’re seeing the interfacing through worn fabric. Don’t forget the elbows. Thinning fabric that’s been stressed by elbow bending can tear or burst, never at a convenient time. You can trust our shirt laundry to keep your business wear working for you as long as possible.
Love your Uggs.
Love ‘em or hate ‘em, Ugg boots are here to stay and keeping the soft suede clean can be a challenge. If your boots are smelly, be sure they’re always dry after wear – crumple newspapers to absorb the damp and add baking soda to neutralize any odors. A suede brush can remove surface grime; use a damp cloth to finish. Never wet the leather and always stuff damp boots with socks or newspapers to preserve the shape. For near-miraculous cleaning and restoration, trust us with your snuggly Uggs along with all your leather and suede.